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A fake/mock data library written in groovy (dbunit alternative)

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PhonyData is a library to import and export test datasets for things like unit testing databases or local dev data.


DSL Overview

DSL Example

// specify id columns'id')'id')

// specify columns that will be the same for all rows
people.defaults(birthday: new Date())

people(name: 'Jane Doe')

100.times { n ->
    def person = people(name: 'joe blow' + n) // returns reference to row which will be de-referenced by id

    address(street: "$n main st".toString(), city: 'seattle', state: 'wa', 
            person: person /* holds actual value of */)

    address(street: "$n oak st".toString(), city: 'seattle', state: 'wa', person: person)    

Usage Example

DataSource datasource = ... // get reference to JDBC DataSource
def dataset = getClass().classLoader.getResourceAsStream('/path/to/dataset') // may also be a String
PhonyData.from(dataset).into(datasource) // reads data from groovy dataset and writes to datasource

// reads the data from specified tables and writes a groovy dataset to output stream
PhonyData.from(datasource, ['table1','table2']).into(new File('/some/file').newOutputStream())

Inline Groovy Example

 public void setup() {     
    PhonyData.from {
        people(name: 'Jane Doe')
        address(street: '123 main st')

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